Job openings

We currently have no job openings

Frequently asked questions

How do I apply for a position
Submit your CV online via the available vacancies above.
Can I apply for more than one post
you can apply for more than one post if you have the required experience and qualifications as indicated in the vacancy details.
How long does the process take
It takes approximately two weeks after the close date of the vacancy to expect feedback. Note that your application was unsuccessful if you have not heard anything by then.
Can I bring my CV to your offices
We do not accept vacancies at any of our offices, please use the application links provided on the website.


Keep your CV/Resume to 2 pages maximum
Avoid italics or underlined words
Check your spelling and grammar

What to include

Work Experience
Relevant skills

Why Zizwe

We currently have a family of 1711 permanent employees and we are a 51% black owned company. We truly value our communities we work in by creating economic growth through joint ventures, procurement, employment and SMME Development.